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Expressions for a sick day.😷

Writer: Elyse FElyse F

I have been sick lately with a powerful strain of the stomach flu. It was awful.

I decided to gather a list of expressions in English that you can use when you are having a sick day. The list begins with mild terms, then deteriorates as you read further.

Happy ready and stay healthy!

  1. Coming down with something - You think you are starting to get sick.

  2. Caught a bug - You have a minor illness that is circulating at work or home.

  3. Something is going around - An unknown illness is circulating in your work or friend group. Many people are sick.

  4. Something is off - You suspect that you are getting sick, but you cannot identify the exact cause or symptoms. You just know that you are not well.

  5. Under the weather - You are feeling the symptoms of a minor illness, maybe a virus also known as a "cold".

  6. Not up to par - You are recovering from being sick, but you are not perfectly well yet.

  7. Not 100% - Same as above.

  8. Feel crummy - You have a bad illness, many symptoms, and you are not well. Maybe you are nauseous, suffering nasal congestion, or just have general fatigue.

  9. Feel rough - Same as above.

  10. Sick as a dog - This expression comes from the 1700s when dogs were dirtier and sicker due to living conditions. For you, human reader, it means you are as sick as can be. All symptoms are at their worst. (This is where I have been this week)

I absolutely adore Border Collies, sick or not. What is your favorite dog?
I absolutely adore Border Collies, sick or not. What is your favorite dog?

Now, English terms especially for vomiting (formal). 🤮

Regurgitating (scientific)

Purging (medical)

Throwing up (informal)

Being sick (informal)



Calling Ralph or Ralphing





Praying to the porcelain Gods (because you vomit into a toilet, which is made of porcelain)

Blowing chunks


Tossing cookies

Losing your lunch



Looks like this pumpkin is ________________.
Looks like this pumpkin is ________________.

Do you want more examples and explanations? Schedule a FREE 30-minute trial meeting with me HERE.

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